
These articles are written by Dirk Rijmenants. You are free to copy or share these articles or parts of them, provided credit and reference to the author are added. Click the links to read the article online or click the icon to download.

History of the TSEC/KL-7 ADONIS & POLLUX * updated
The first extensive history of the KL-7 with the development and use by the U.S. Armed Forces, FBI, CIA and the NATO allies.The KL-7 was the first standard U.S. Armed Forces tactical lightweight rotor cipher machine using electronics. 14 September 2024, Version 03 - 7.2
Cuban Agent Communications, Failure of a Perfect System
In the last decade, several spies who worked for Cuban Intelligence, and received their instructions through shortwave numbers stations, were arrested in the United States. Why did they fail and got caught?
Enigma Message Procedures Used by the Heer, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine (external link in new tab)
Article for Cryptologia, published in Volume 34, Issue 4, October 2010, page 329-339, also available as
complete issue October 2010. This article is part of a publication by Taylor & Francis and only available at Taylor & Francis or online at Informaworld.
The Complete Guide to Secure Communications with the One Time Pad Cipher
A guide on the use of one-time pad and how to deal with the corresponding security issues.
Is One-time Pad History?
Has one-time pad become obsolete or does it still earn its place in the modern world of cryptography and computers?
Spies and Numbers - Here to Stay
Are Numbers Stations spy stations? This article explains what they are and why they are still alive and kicking.
Secret Splitting - A practical and secure way to delegate keys
How to give a secret code or password in custody of multiple persons without disclosing the secret itself, and only use it after mutual agreement.
Secure Code Splitter
A practical ready-to-use template to split the secret code of your combination lock, safe deposit box or key code, in a perfectly secure way and without disclosing the secret code itself.

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© Dirk Rijmenants 2004. Last changes: 14 September 2024
